Tuesday, 8 May 2012




The Revolutionary Professor J. J. Kenez, D.Sc. same as Dr. J. K. Danmbaezue is a sixty-four year old research scientist privately self-employed as an existential therapist with an outfit in Ihiala, Republic of Biafra, where he treats people with personality disorders and counsels young adults about to wed by administering objective and standardised psychological tests and utilizing the results to counsel, re-direct incompatible couples and conduct group sessions for other couples. He also has a community-based NGO-christened HAPPY FAMILY NETWORK INTERNATIONAL, which aims at the globalization of those principles he has neatly encapsulated in THE KENEZIAN CREED and his LETTER TO ALL EDUCATIONISTS. He holds a Doctor of Science degree in psychometrics besides being a Fellow of the African College of Research Scientists. For the past twenty five years he has been a student of the Holy Spirit of God, the Creator of the universe we share with other beings. Read the ANIMATOR’S UNIVERSAL PRAYER or THE PRINICPLES OF KENEZIANISM at his website; www.happyfamilynetwork.hpage.com for a comprehensive expose of his ‘modus vivendi’.
His ministry as of today encompasses the unification of all religious faiths, while his lay apostolate for the entire human race aims at institutionalising the equality of peoples of all nations irrespective of race, creed, colour and social status. The motto; “ONE ALMIGHTY CREATOR, ONE CREATED UNIVERSE & ONE HUMAN FAMILY” translates into enthronement of brother/sisterhood of all mankind, the liberalisation of all social contracts and the integration of all belief systems so as to ensure optimum health, success and happiness for every home worldwide and for humanity at all times; now and in the future.

Professionally, he is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist, an Existential Family Therapist and a Research Psychometrician. Currently he is leading a team of medical experts in finding an alternative management strategy for the pandemic HIV-AIDS based on natural ingredients from the tropics. He is happily married and has three kids. He holds Bachelor’s degrees in both Philosophy and Psychology, a Pass Junior Staff College from the Nigerian Air Force, a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and finally a Doctor of Science degree in Psychometrics besides being a Fellow of the African College of Research Scientists.

Greetings to Rational Beings of this computer age! By having a website you are now recognised and respected as a Citizen of the Global Village. You are no more a racist, a chauvinist nor a parochial religionist. You are a special son or daughter of the Almighty Creator who has given us the macrocosms and microcosms to share. Let us live in peace like we ought to, equal heirs to the benefits we derive from being HOMO SAPIENS! Please visit http//www.happyfamilynetwork.hpage.com for the scientific creed and international educational guidelines and youth rearing practices that can make us ONE HUMAN FAMILY living in ONE CREATED UNIVERSE as children of ONE ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
Salutations à des êtres rationnels de cette ère de l'informatique! En ayant un site web vous sont désormais reconnus et respectés en tant que citoyen du village global. Vous n'êtes pas plus raciste,chauvine, ni une un religieux paroissial. Vous êtes un fils ou une fillespéciale du Créateur Tout-Puissant qui nous a donné le macrocosme et le microcosme de partager. Laissez-nous vivre en paix comme nous devrions, héritiers égal aux avantages que nous tirons de se HOMO SAPIENS! S'il vous plaît visitez http / /www.happyfamilynetwork.hpage.com pour la croyance scientifique et directives internationales et les pratiques éducatives des jeunesd'élevage qui peuvent nous faire une famille vivant humain dans ununivers créé que les enfants d'un Créateur Tout-Puissant.
Grüße an Rational Wesen dieser Computer-Zeitalter! Durch eineWebsite, die Sie jetzt anerkannt und respektiert als Citizen of theGlobal Village. Sie sind nicht mehr ein Rassist, ein Chauvinist noch eine engstirnige Glaubensgenossen. Sie sind eine spezielle Sohn oder die Tochter des allmächtigen Schöpfers, der uns gegeben hat,der Makrokosmos und Mikrokosmos zu teilen. Lasst uns in Friedenleben wie wir sollten, gleich Erben, um die Vorteile wir aus Homosapiens! Bitte besuchen Sie http / /www.happyfamilynetwork.hpage.com für die wissenschaftlicheCredo und internationalen Bildungs-Richtlinien und JugendErziehungsmethoden, die uns eine menschliche Familie lebt in ONEgeschaffene Universum als Kinder eines allmächtigen Schöpferskann. 
Saludos a los seres racionales de esta era de la informática! Al tener un sitio web que está ahora reconocida y respetada como un ciudadano de la Aldea Global. Tú no eres más racista, chovinista, niun religioso parroquial. Usted es un hijo o una hija especial del Creador Todopoderoso, que nos ha dado el macrocosmos y elmicrocosmos de compartir. Vivamos en paz, como debemos,herederos igual a los beneficios que se derivan de ser homo sapiens! Por favor, visite http / /www.happyfamilynetwork.hpage.com para el credo científico ydirectrices internacionales y las prácticas educativas de jóvenes de crianza que nos puede hacer vivir UNA FAMILIA HUMANA en un universo creado como hijos del Creador Todopoderoso. 

This Revolutionary Professor worked at University College Hospital, Ibadan as a youth, then Nigerian Air Force Hospitals both at Kano and Kaduna before doing his Masters and Doctorate degrees. Today he is a Self-employed Existential Family Therapist/Research Psychometrician that treats patients with all forms of psychological disorders. He attended the best Secondary Schools in Onitsha before the Nigeria-Biafra war, and after the fratricidal war; Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, then University of Lagos, Yaba, NYSC as a Junior Research Fellow, UCH Ibadan the premier teaching hospital in West Africa then, Nigerian Air Force Military Academy in Kawo, Kaduna, before taking up my home state Scholarship Award to read a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at School of Medicine, College of Medical Sciences, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Ugbowo Campus, Benin followed by a long- distance Ten-Year Doctoral Research Field Work in Psychometrics supervised by African College of Research Scientists, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A total of seven paper-and-pencil psychological tests, inventories and scales were developed, sampling 2000 subjects, computed for validity/reliability, vetted for true & false responses before finally they were each standardised for use internationally. See CURRICULUM VITAE in the Biography at; www.happyfamilynetwork.hpage.com He has lived in IHIALA, ONITSHA, PORT HARCOURT, LAGOS, BIAFRA, ENUGU, KANO, KADUNA, NIGERIA.


By divine providence I survived the infanthood diseases that ravaged my peers at the end of the Second World War, survived suicidal attacks that Degema Strike Force of the 12th Commando Brigade of BIAFRAN ARMED FORCES engaged in with mementos of twice suffering Shelling Shocks, a grenade scar on my left thigh indicating the entry point of shrapnel that is still lodged in my thigh to date.


Counselling Adolescents about to choose lifetime marriage partners, family therapy sessions for couples going through a crisis, spiritual re-orientation for confused post-colonial citizens utilising theosophical insights that gives them a new perspective of healthy, successful and happy family life. As a doctor and a theosophist I am available to all shades of human beings at my websites, e-mails and clinic located at C82, Federal Housing Estates, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu or during the summers; at Ezeawara town in Ihiala LGA of Anambra State if I am not on holidays to Houston-Texas, USA.


  • Self-employed Existential Family Therapist/Research Psychometrician that treats patients with all forms of psychological disorders. Senior Research Fellow in Psychometrics, Pragmatic Theosophy, Family Counselling and Existential Family Therapy. 


  • Went to the best Secondary Schools in Onitsha before the Nigeria-Biafra war, and after the fratricidal war; Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, an affiliate of Roman Urban University, then University of Lagos, Yaba, NYSC as a Junior Research Fellow, UCH Ibadan the premier teaching hospital in West Africa then, Nigerian Air Force Military Academy in Kawo Kaduna, before taking up my home state Scholarship Award to read a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at School of Medicine, College of Medical Sciences, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Ugbowo Campus, BENIN. This was followed by a long- distance Ten-Year Doctoral Research Field Work in Psychometrics supervised by African College of Research Scientists, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A total of seven paper-and pencil psychological tests, inventories and scales were developed, sampling 2000 subjects, computed for validity/reliability, vetted for true & false responses before finally they were each standardised for use internationally. See CURRICULUM VITAE in the Biography at; www.happyfamilynetwork.hpage.com

Map of the places this user has lived


Everyone is allowed to contact me; 0803-9097614 or 0805-1764999 or better still by e-mails to: saintkenez@yahoo.co.uk or agunabu1948@gamil.com . THOSE WHO DESIRE TO SEE A PEACEFUL WORLD FOR ALL CITIZENS OF THE GLOBAL VILLAGE can visit my websites; www.happyfamilynetwork.hpage.com or google sites; integrationalspiritanmovement or kenezhealthklinik.
Not publicly visible.


As a doctor and a theosophist I am available to all shades of human beings at my websites, e-mails and clinic located at C82, Federal Housing Estates, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu or during the summers; at Ezeawara town in Ihiala LGA of Anambra State if I am not on holidays to Houston-Texas, USA.
Not publicly visible.








Flt Lt J. K. D. Mbaezue, NAF 759;            Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue,            

Agunabu Umuelechi of Biafra.

Profile discovery, https://profiles.google.com/100752842609304318747 Profile visible in search, ©2012 Google


  • We need a Unifying Spiritual Engagement to forestall future world wars. We need to think about where we are going religiously.
  • The mistake of a Roman Emperor, in love with a Christian Girl, who convened the council of Nicea, may be our Albatross.
  • Why were the previous world wars fought whereas all the countries that participated in them were Christians? Let us relent! 
  • Saul of Tarsus never deified Jesus, nor did the three great and closest apostles; Peter, James and John. When shall we ever learn?
  • So, how are we sure Satan has not used a pagan emperor to lead the whole Christendom into A UNIVERSAL IDOLATRY in contradiction of the VERY FIRST THREE COMMANDMENTS OF THE MOSAIC LAWS? Can someone honestly answer me?
  • Ethnocentrism, Xenophobia, Racism and Ethnic Cleansing must be expunged in our Global Village for World Peace to reign!

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