My Brothers, Which Religious Symbols, Words, Traditions or Evidence Are
Truly Genuine?
symbols have been borrowed across cultures and religious boundaries for
centuries that they rarely mean same things to a variety of fanatical followers
or worshippers of the plethora of religions and denominations in our present
world. How do we penetrate centuries of historical distortions of the originals
to define the pristine truths from nature and established by our Creator so
that we can arrive at the most objective version that is egalitarian, humane
and applicable in all cultures, time and clime for world peace?
--Dr J. K. Danmbaezue, PG Student (1981) Asked after the Rev
Jones/Guyana Mass Religious Suicide.
“Religion was/is a
superstitious search by humanity for its origin, existence, meaning and
relevance before the scientific era. The search was led by acclaimed sages
among the elders of a community who defined its theories and practices. It is
later ratified and recommended for legislation and implementation by state
apparatus by convincing stratagem or coercion by politico-religious
leaders. Thereafter, it is fine tuned
and administered by ordained priests and priestesses who hand it down along
ancestral lineages from one generation of lukewarm adherents, fanatics and
mystics to another. Gradually, strong personalities emerge claiming divine
appointment and so pull strong followers who idolise them as role models with
supernatural powers. This obsession confirms them as beacons of adulation and
finally leads to full scale idolatry.”
put in another fashion, how can we be certain that the doctrines and dogmas we
hold on to today were/are not merely fake theories from the past. In short, how
do we sift truth from human beliefs, myths, legends and/or fables forged and
fabricated by sages of old or demagogues whose objectives were merely
manipulating the masses of their generation into reverencing and/or obeying
them sheepishly? This is the task before all of us. It is the only way to
arrive at ONE WORLD RELIGION. That is Integrational Spiritan Movement, led by
the Holy Spirit of the Genuine Creator we all ought to worship! A.k.a
--Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D.Sc. (2001) the Vessel of the Holy Spirit of
the Creator of the Universe.
which is superstition sanctioned by the state, is actually an addiction to
man-made doctrines and dogmas invented, patented and copyrighted by a few
- It enslaves the mind more than psychoactive
- Benumbs human creativity and
resourcefulness thereby
- Restricting the development of the human
potential and capital.
is the main cause of poverty of the mind and underdevelopment of third world
countries as its side-effects are indolence, redundancy, laziness and
dependence on finished products and services. In the final analysis, it is the
predisposing factor to lack of initiative, debilitating ignorance, fetish
belief-systems, abject poverty and perennial ill-health.
its only advantage is that it makes the polity docile and amenable to the whims
and caprices of their oppressive leaders. Often, it hoodwinks its adherents
into believing that ‘The God’ or ‘the gods’ they worship speak to them through
the voices of their egocentric clerics who therefore can conveniently exploit
them to satisfy their demonic desires of sensual pleasure and inordinate
ambitions of amassing wealth. Their wanton indulgence in gluttony, wine and
women is seen in every action and definitely this is the foolproof evidence of
their demonic genealogy.The fallacy of HUMAN CONCEPTS OF THE ULTIMATE CREATOR AND WHAT HE DEMANDS OF ALL OF US is similar to the verdicts of the four blind men who went on an excursion to know what the elephant looked like. But in our case in religious buffoonery, it is not the personal verdicts of the first set of the blind men that we hold on to; that unfortunately is the tragedy of current day Religionists and the breeding ground for puerile bigotry, fanaticism, doctrines, dogmas, crusades and jihads. It is futile to not only believe the verdicts of the earliest FOUR BLIND MEN who were actually wrong but psychotically paranoid to swallow the bastardised versions handed down by degenerate grandsons of those cowardly and shameless blind men who never made the trip at all! So many blind religious leaders do not even set out to make the trip! Rather, they are satisfied by propagating what other blind men heard from the original four blind men that really touched the elephant. So it is that a thousand interpretations of what the wise explorers concluded is now bandied about what the original elephant looked and still looks like. The Elephant in his majesty refuses to say a word! Why, you may ask! It is unnecessary; for the glory, majesty and truths about the true worship of Our Almighty Creator abound in Nature and the Sane Human Beings observe them on a daily and hourly basis 365 days every year! Only the blind do not want to see the Natural and Eternal Laws he engraved into each macrocosm and microcosm He has made and given to all His Creations to share. We are equal heirs to His Infinite Love!
Every individual nature is part of the cosmos. To live virtuously means to live in accord with one's nature, to live according to the natural and eternal laws the designer of the universe intended by employing truth and right reason in all we do. Because passion and emotion are considered irrational movements of the soul, the wise individual seeks to eradicate the passions and consciously embrace the rational life. “True law is right reason in agreement with Nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions. . . . There will not be different laws at different countries or communities, or different laws now and in the future, BUT ONE ETERNAL AND UNCHANGEABLE LAW WILL BE VALID FOR ALL NATIONS AND FOR ALL TIMES.” The laws governing all living things; birth, growth, respiration, movement, nutrition, excretion, reproduction and finally death hold sway in every place on planet earth under normal temperature and pressure. Humans have the same anatomy and physiology despite our differing languages, child-rearing practices, skin colour, racial differences and social statuses. We are the offspring of the Almighty Creator of the macrocosms and microcosms we share. Our survival in our variety of physical environment follows the same laws. No man is an island. We need each other!
Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez also contends that natural laws are sacrosanct for they were made by the Almighty Architect and Engineer who created every being on planet; EARTH. They are divine and eternal; because they are universal and are no respecters of places and times of birth, parentage, race, educational level or religion! There are so many self-evident examples; the movement of the sun and moon regulate the hours of day, night, weeks, months and years; so also do gravity, temperature, pressure, emotion, motivation, conception, pregnancy, labour and birth regulate family life. If anyone disagrees, let him provide evidence to the contrary. The founders of HAPPY FAMILY NETWORK, INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT AND FINALLY FAMILY LIFE COLLEGE, therefore, posit that human slavery, in whatever form it is used to deny any Homo sapiens and others their fundamental human rights, was/is and will forever remain illegal! Caste systems must be abrogated both in civil and religious circles all over the world to arrive at;
WORSHIP; which is our creed
INTERNATIONALLY; is the lifestyle of all bona-fide members,
TRUTH; in every thought, word or deed is our international social ethics &
& ETERNAL LAWS OF THE CREATOR; is our gospel worldwide.
you want to be a foundation member of the board of directors for this
all-inclusive humanitarian FAMILY LIFE COLLEGE send us a proposal of what you
can contribute and attach a brief CV, your contact addresses and a current
passport sized photo of yourself.

Prof. J. J. Kenez,
E-mail: saintkenez@yhoo.co.uk Website: www.happyfamilynetwork.hpage.com
International Animator of Integrational
Spiritan Movement (ISM) Tel: 0803-9097614
Composed from 03:07:
on 11th March 1990 to Monday
@ 02:08:28 HRS GMT.
I once met three philosophers arguing about the nature of God. The
Christian theologian among them insisted on the Trinitarian doctrine, the
Oriental Christian emphasised that the Holy Spirit proceeded only from the
Father whereas the Roman Christian argued that the Holy Spirit proceeded from
both the Father and the Son!
I laughed at them. They got angry. In unison, they demanded to know
why I was laughing them to scorn. I said, “Why not bother yourselves
about the things in the world that you can comprehend? Leave God alone!”
One of them interjected, “Why do you say that, are you wiser than the Holy
Church fathers and the great theologians that handed down these doctrines?”
“Thank you very much for being truthful. You just called them
‘doctrines’ and that’s exactly what they are! You can’t arrive at any
meaningful conclusion in your argument since all we can ever know or say about
him is, “God exists!” And what that really means is this: “God is the Almighty
Being that created everything that exists in the universe. Anything else
anybody says or we say is puerile, futile and simply mundane guesswork!” I concluded.
In I.S.M. we do not theorise
about what we have no existential answers that can satisfy human reasoning! We
limit ourselves to provable and rational concepts, no mysteries, no dogmas and
no doctrines. You are very welcome to disproving anything we posit, provided
you can defend your position convincingly, and carry along seventy-five per
cent of humankind. We are okay!
To liberate those who desire
independence from the shackles of dogmatism and indoctrination, ISM only
requires those who are willing and rational enough to think for themselves to
apply simple logic and arrive at certain basic universal truths devoid of
intellectual enslavements.
- Read the KENEZIAN CREED and see for yourself whether
the truths catalogued there apply to all beings on planet earth.
evaluate the universality of the ethics enshrined in the stanzas.
- Finally, analyse the principles of equality of all
races of mankind contained in HARMONISATION OF YOUTH SOCIALISATION;
If these do not open your eyes
to the futility of ethnocentrisms embedded in most dogmatic religions, then you
are lost to individual thought and clear rationalisations. You are either a
fanatic or a misguided mystic!
ISM is founded on the
discovery of all the natural and eternal laws in creation and full obedience to
all of them. In brief, Kenezians worship the Absolute Truth wherever it is
found; on, below or above the earth! TELL, LIVE, PROPAGATE AND DIE FOR THE
TRUTH! These and only this principle guide the true sons & daughters of
of Wisdom by Dr Kenez Danmbaezue for the Unification of all Belief Systems.
1. I am of
age; therefore, I affirm that I exist! I am “ME”, you are “YOU” and we are
“US”. I affirm that I am a Created Being living in the present, hoping to come
to an end as other creatures I have observed, do come to a definitive end.
2. I
therefore know that all finite creatures obey some natural laws that govern
existence. I affirm that these laws are also eternal and like every other law,
must have a Giver. I deduce therefore that there are commensurate sanctions for
any deliberate violation of these laws.
3. When I
observe the heavens and landscapes, hills and valleys, rivers and oceans,
sunrise and sunset, equinoxes and eclipses, I am certain that this Eternal
Lawgiver is Great and Powerful in all respects and possesses Superhuman
Intelligence, Power and Control over all of us?
4. When I
inspect living and non-living beings, their beauty and variety, their numbers
and their sizes, especially their modes of survival in varying environments and
particularly their ability to reproduce their kinds, I confess that this
Eternal Lawgiver must be Beautiful, Loving and All-Creative.
5. I
respect “IT” in all “ITS” creations while admiring in particular those that
move about. For I do realise that I share the traits they have; we all have the
same basic structures, we survive by performing similar functions, have similar
feelings and produce comparable results. I cannot but bow in reverence and
worship this Almighty Being, the Eternal Lawgiver, who sustains everything on
this planet.
6. This
Almighty Being set all things in motion. “IT” directs their courses and life
spans, keeps them in space and time, now and always. Moreover, because there
are no accidents in nature when “IT’S” laws are strictly adhered to, I attest
to the fact that “IT” is the greatest GOOD; the All-knowing, All-caring and
Ever Present Being.
7. To “IT”
be all my respect, obedience and loyalty, as I extend my hands of love and
brotherhood to all human beings, co-heirs and offspring of this Almighty
Creator and Father of all. Therefore, my creed concisely is this:
My 50th Birthday Gift to Mankind.
Composed by DR J. K. DANMBAEZUE between 1970-1998
& Ratified by the Holy Spirit of the Almighty
Creator in1999
This is the concise version. There is a
more comprehensive /longer version
*****(Each paragraph/plea
can be used as the theme of Morning Assembly Talks)*****
Dear Teacher,
Your job is an onerous one, commendable by both God and man,
My child will look up to you as a role
model, a mirror to view the world;
You will have to father him for 5 hours a
day, 5 days a week and 35 weeks per year,
That’s long enough to make or mar his future, his classmates and that of
this country.
1. Teach him to look around and admire
the beauty in nature, himself inclusive,
Let him know that for every child he sees, there are
two parents – a father and a mother;
So for the birds he sees, trees, animals, hills,
rivers, sun, daylight, night and moonlight,
There is but One Almighty Father, who created and
takes care of us all on a daily basis.
2. Teach him to trust and obey The
Almighty Creator with worship in humility,
And to love every other being, as we all are sons
and daughters of the same Creator;
Let him realise that when it rains, it’s for every
one: plants, animals and man,
The Creator’s kindness and benevolence does not
choose those to hate or love.
3. Teach him that for every lie he
tells, he will tell ten more lies to cover it up,
And for ten lies, he needs one hundred more lies –
that is foolishness;
So let him learn that truth is golden, more precious
than wealth and riches,
Knowledge, wisdom and fame are the rewards earned by
truthful people.
4. In school, let him love and respect
his classmates and fight to protect the weaker ones,
Allow him to taste bitter and sweet things; and to
combine laughter and suffering;
That way you will have prepared him to deal with
wicked and honest human beings,
Thereby teaching him to differentiate good from evil
and to do good all his life.
5. Teach him that lying, cheating and
stealing produce criminals and rogues,
Teach him that a kobo earned is better than a
hundred won by lottery;
It’s better to go hungry for days than enjoy a meal
prepared with stolen money,
Or eat crumbs of bread among finest friends than a
loaf among dishonest men.
6. Teach him that a passage studied,
understood and memorised,
Is far better than one simply crammed and repeated
like a parrot;
The former leads to ingenuity, resourcefulness and
The latter to imitative behaviour, and lack of
Teach him that it’s more honourable to fail an
Than to copy, cheat or use “expo” methods to pass
any examination.
7. Finally teach him that it is better
to be neither too poor nor too rich,
Than to become wealthy by stealing, deceit and
cutting corners;
The former leads to contentment, peace of mind and
long life,
The latter to arrogance, greed, restlessness and
sudden death;
Explain to him what “Honesty is the best policy”
really means,
And the practical implications of the saying: “More
haste, less speed”.
You’ll have to believe and
practise these yourself,
Before you can teach them to my son and his mates;
But be assured that if you succeed in this
You will be a hero and the father of heroes and
And that’s what our dear country needs most.
May God guide your endeavours!
The Animator International’s Version
Lord of the
universe, the Almighty Creator God, I am your humble son,
Jideofo Kenechukwu,
born into the family of Sir Daniel Paul Mbaezue.
In your Infinite
Wisdom and Love you have created me for a purpose,
Permit me to
understand and fulfil the mission you have assigned me,
May your Holy
Spirit guide me to accomplish it in my short span of life.
My Eternal Creator
and Lord of the universe, I know that you exist,
I observe also that
all beings are interdependent, we need each other,
Therefore, increase
my loyalty and dependence on your benevolence.
I love you as the
Father of all that exists, I want to love other beings,
As much as I love
myself, permit me to truly achieve this increasingly!
I worship you as my
first beginning, I wish to do this as long as I live,
I acknowledge your
constant sustenance and care for me and all that is,
Guide me by your
divine wisdom, correct me with your eternal justice,
Comfort me with
your mercy and protect me with your limitless power,
So that I may obey
all the laws, you put in creation for our own good!
I have a princely
heritage in that I function at three levels of operations,
In that tripartite
functionality of thought, word and action I am like you.
Grant me a large
heart and mind to appreciate the universal knowledge
That all humankind
are blood relatives and co-heirs of this your ability,
Therefore, we all
are brothers and sisters, children of the same Father!
Permit me to fix
all my thoughts on you; my words to edify mankind,
My actions to
reflect my love for all humanity because I respect you,
And all my trials
and sufferings to be endured for your greater glory.
I want to do
whatever you ask of me, in the very way that pleases you,
Thereby, obey all
your natural laws for as long as you permit to live here.
Lord, enlighten my
understanding, strengthen my will, purify my heart
And make me holy so
as to resist temptations and repent of all my sins,
Help me to rise
above human weaknesses and to grow stronger in truth,
So that with
simplicity of heart and humane love I may care for others,
And in caring for
others may my worship and adoration be self-evident.
Help me to conquer
every anger with gentleness, greed by generosity,
Apathy by true
charity, selfishness by works of mercy and compassion,
Help me to forget
myself and thereby freely reach out towards others.
Let my conscience
be clear most of the time, my conduct without fault,
My speech
blameless, my thoughts edifying and my life well ordered.
Make me very
prudent in planning ahead for all, courageous in taking risks,
Patient in
adversity, honest at work and unassuming in times of prosperity.
Keep me attentive
at my prayers, temperate at table and sober in drinking,
Firm in my holy
resolutions, diligent in my good intentions/ labours of love.
May my lifestyle be
exemplary and reflect your infinite goodness for all to see.
Put me on guard
against mundane desires, protect me from every vanity
And licentiousness,
which can draw me away from obeying your dictates.
Let me cherish your
benevolence for all humanity and imitate your ways.
Teach me to realise
that the world is passing by and that nothing here lasts,
That my true
happiness is being a loyal citizen in your heavenly kingdom!
At the dusk of my
earthly life, help me to prepare for death with a proper focus
On your fair
judgement, for even guilty I still rely fully on your Infinite Mercy.
Lead me safely
thro’ the pangs of physical death to that endless place of peace,
Where all those who
have done your will on earth will be adequately rewarded,
With the bliss of
singing your praises in communion with your saints forever!
Lord, search and
find that I have kept the golden rules of the psalmist:
Lord, who may
enter your temple or worship at your sacred hill?
A person who obeys God in everything, especially the
natural laws and as far as it is humanly possible, has always done what is
right at all times and places.
Whose words are true and sincere, and therefore he does
not slander others.
He does no wrong to his friends nor spreads rumours about
his neighbours,
Rather he has compassion for the needy and always
forgives his offenders.
He despises those whom God rejects, denouncing their
hypocritical lifestyles.
Nevertheless, he honours those who respect and obey the
eternal laws of the Lord.
He always does what he promises, no matter how much it
may cost him, in terms of material or human resources.
He makes loans without charging interest and cannot be
bribed to testify against the innocent.
Whoever does these things will always
be happy and feel secure in your love.
Anyone who cannot internalise the
noble thoughts, words and actions enunciated in this universal prayer has no
business joining Kenezianism, a.k.a. INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT. Every
sane man or woman who lives by the dictates of this interethnic, intercultural,
inter-religious, interdisciplinary and international prayer points is a true
Kenezian and a candidate of God’s kingdom on earth. We must be saints here not
after our deaths. Kenezianism is the only natural path to holiness.
* Signed at 0500 hours GMT on 11th
March 2001 by Rev. Prof. J.
J. Kenez
& Approved by the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Creator
of the universe. *

The Youthful
Face of the Animator International when this lengthy prayer was composed for
ten years.
Dr. J. K. Danmbaezue, D. Sc., FACRS,
53rd Birthday Gift to all Educationists,
by Abraham Lincoln’s letter, Gestation Period: 1997-2001
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