(The final copy dictated from 11th March 1999 till 11th March 2011 and updated and approved by the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Creator of the Universe on Saturday 11/10/2011 @ 09:26:59 HRS GMT)
Message Body
For the past
fifty years, I have wondered why humans kill each other for mere fanatical
ideologies. Xenophobia tops the list but the worst is "Killing in the name
of God!" Does anyone who worships the Almighty Creator of the entire
beings, animate and inanimate, have the mandate to destroy what he did not make?
Whatever you learnt about being a religious person fizzles away as soon as you
have the intent to destroy what the Omnipotent Engineer made. Did He ever
beg you to fight for Him? You are a fool when you think He needs your
assistance! The demagogue who taught you that nonsense is definitely the grand
child of the Evil One.
The Almighty
Creator has no name, needs none as well as a language and is not a native of
any nation, race, clan or religion. He is the Supreme Being that is above our
mundane thinking and animalistic concepts that lead us into criminality. Xenophobia,
religious bigotry and racism led to all the wars in human history. Do you want
to continue living in theoretical confusion whereas you are living in our
global village enjoying scientific gadgets like cellular phones and the
Internet that do not cause any social conflicts? Open your eyes to Divine
Wisdom! Can’t you see that Obedience to all the Natural Laws the Ultimate
Architect, Landscaper Par Excellence and Consummate Engineer embedded in the
Universe is our ONE WORLD RELIGION?
Culture is the summation of ethnocentric
survival strategies that each sub-unit of humanity had developed over the
centuries, institutionalized and passed on to their descendants. It
is the sons and daughters of the Almighty Creator who have ignored their ONE
CULTURE; obedience to all the natural laws as ONE WORLD RELIGION. That is what
we desperately need today just as we use cellular phones and the Internet
without killing anyone. Respect for and obedience to all the laws of nature is
the key for a peaceful world with beautiful people living, loving and sharing
the Creator's benefits as equal heirs to his blissful global world that we now
share amicably thanks to scientists who have uncovered his designs for our mutual existence. LET US
Join the international fellowship for
HEALING THE WORLD today and secure the future of your posterity. Let’s turn our
differences into valuable resources!
Visit this website for more insight:
Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D. Sc.
Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Creator of the Universe,
E-mail: Tel : 08039097614 or 08051764999
we interact with our parents, siblings, immediate relatives and neighbours in
our small circles of physical habitations. When we travel outside our ethnic
and national boundaries, we run into different personalities we love to hate or
vice versa, who consciously or unconsciously influence our lives positively or
negatively. Have you ever sat down and taken stock of what you have become over
the last ten years?
people you see, meet with and/or socialise with are mere conformists. They are
those personalities that are satisfied with ‘going through the motions’; doing
what everyone else is doing to make a living and waiting for the final ‘call to
glory’ as they brand death! Many of us are born and live an inconsequential
life; bland, uneventful and without anything particular to be remembered for
after our exit from this mundane world, a temporal habitation for the
are some others, whose lives and contributions to the society made a
difference! They changed the ‘status quo’ by either extending the frontiers of
knowledge or developing their immediate communities. They improved the
understanding of human nature and taught others the values of humanitarianism.
These heroes and heroines touched the lives of many intellectually and socially
which elevated brotherhood of mankind both inter-racially and internationally.
agents of change were the true sons and daughters of the Almighty Creator of
the universe. They added colour to daily routines and the doldrums of routine
existence on planet earth! A few had tall dreams and went ahead to transform
them into reality despite all odds. This group devised methods of changing the
deplorable situations and the deprived circumstances of the lifestyle they met
on becoming adults. Some adolescents dream of the courage to better their
social status, but often take off on the wrong foot of seeking for titles,
money, fame and crowning it all with indulging in romantic relationships.
dared to pursue the unknown, to break new grounds and blaze trails for
followers to tread on. Their zeal, inquisitiveness, passion, persistence,
desire, motivations and prayers were fully rewarded if they paid the prize for
success; optimism, dedication and the refusal to quit. Their philosophy of life
was ‘When the task gets tough, the tough get it going!’, ‘Never say, never
again!’ or ‘All that it takes to make the ‘impossible’ possible is the will
power to remove the ‘im’ in front of that ‘impossible’! They eventually
became geniuses, inventors, explorers, leaders or discoverers! They evolved
into the innovators and pioneers who helped to enlarge the frontiers of human
civilisations and removed the age-old boundaries of the unknown. They were the
catalysts of the world!
inform us that Christopher Columbus actually set out to discover another route
to India when he stumbled at the new America and thus opened up humanity to a large continent partitioned
into northern and southern halves but naturally connected by a strip of
islands. Today, the Panama
Canal has made it
possible to access the Eastern Regions of the world while travelling
continuously to the west! Inventors, Discoverers and occasionally, Religious
Leaders emerge from obscure communities of despised nations to beam
supernatural light and the Divine Wisdom of the Creator! Joining this select
group of animators, innovators or league of achievers is usually not by
accident or by mere wishful thinking.
the routine duties of satisfying the five senses of the body lies the desire to
excel in unexplored areas of human existence and the freedom to choose a
divergent track that levies hard work is a divine factor that must be
recognised, respected and appropriated in unveiling the unknown that the Divine
Architect had hidden there for ages waiting for a brave soul to convert it from
obscure dormancy to utilitarian vibrancy. This author, a global agent of
spiritual evolution, Dr J. J. Kenez wants to know where you belong in this
universal continuum of innovators. Or, are you waiting for ‘manna from heaven’?
who place priority on breaking new grounds and earnestly search for better
alternatives will eventually discover something unique. Those who ask
penetrating questions may one day obtain answers from above rather than the
routine human palliatives that rarely satisfy the saintly soul. Those who
ardently knock on the doors of heavenly wisdom, sooner than later gain divine
inspirations from the Holy Spirit of the Original Architect and Ultimate
Engineer of the earth we inhabit! He alone has all the answers to all physical,
social, mental, spiritual and the personal and socio-political problems of our
mundane world, if only we humble ourselves and honestly ask for his wisdom and
guidance. But, do we?
Creator has hidden so much from our intellectual faculties that to date we are
still unravelling those He is allowing humanity to glimpse at through divine
dreams, intuitions, inspirations and revelations to devout souls! Do you want
to have supernatural knowledge mediated by spiritual faculties of seeing,
feeling, sensing and caring for others? Look inwards, for the kingdom of God is inside you, not outside as many prosperity preachers
erroneously tell you. No one ever got eternal bliss by keeping the commandments
of men. It is given to altruistic seekers of that Divine Guidance in the
affairs of mankind, which many yearn for but do not know where, when and how to
find it. Search for it in this book!
10. The creator gave humans some of his powers and
knowledge for recreating the material universe for the mutual benefits of all
his created beings. The obverse is the case! Today, many use his gifts to
perpetrate evil. Either by design or demonic manipulation, ingrates abound
everywhere and dominate the scene. The first datum that every living thing
recognises is that someone put it here and caters for its welfare. Dogs respect
and fight in defence of their owners. Every pet realises that it is loved and
taken care of by someone who has value for its existence. It is only human
beings, who pride themselves of being rational beings that do not recognise,
respect or realise that all of us have a single owner, a caretaker and
benevolent father/mother. Meditate over this assertion for a minute and provide
me an answer. It is absurd! Isn’t it? It is unintelligent. It is unlike what a
rational being can do. Yet, that is only a tip of the iceberg of irreverent
religiosity in our global village.
11. Some learned fools insist that everything came
by chance and hold on to the theory of evolution! Despite knowing that the
common wristwatch could never have arrived by blind chance and that computers
and the Internet had inventors, this brand of demented humans refuse to see and
acknowledge the great artistry and creative ingenuity in what they indulge in
on a daily basis to survive till the next morning! Some believe there is an
Almighty Creator who provides for each creature on a daily basis, some assert that
he has turned his back on us due to our congenital wickedness and cruel ways,
while others simply deny his existence!
12. This is my summation of the problem; “Religion was/is a superstitious
search by humanity for its origin, existence, meaning and relevance before the
scientific era. The search was led by acclaimed sages among the elders of a
community who defined its theories and practices. It is later ratified and
recommended for legislation and implementation by state apparatus by convincing
stratagem or coercion by politico-religious leaders. Thereafter, it is fine
tuned and administered by ordained priests and priestesses who hand it down
along ancestral lineages from one generation of lukewarm adherents, fanatics
and mystics to another. Gradually, strong personalities emerge claiming divine
appointment and so pull strong followers who idolise them as role models with
supernatural powers. This obsession confirms them as beacons of adulation and
finally leads to clannish hero-worship or full scale idolatry.
my studied summation stands until it is disproved, I stoically assert that Religion, which is superstition
sanctioned by the state, is actually an addiction to man-made doctrines and
dogmas invented, patented and copyrighted by a few demagogues. It enslaves
the mind more than psychoactive drugs, Benumbs human creativity and
resourcefulness thereby Restricting the development of the human potential and
It is the main cause of poverty of the mind and underdevelopment of
third world countries as its side-effects are indolence, redundancy, laziness
and dependence on finished products and services. In the final analysis, it is
the predisposing factor to lack of initiative, debilitating ignorance, fetish
belief-systems, abject poverty and perennial ill-health.
14. Perhaps its only advantage is that it makes the
polity docile and amenable to the whims and caprices of their oppressive
leaders. Often, it hoodwinks its adherents into believing that ‘The God’ or
‘the gods’ they worship speak to them through the voices of their egocentric
clerics who therefore can conveniently exploit them to satisfy their demonic
desires of sensual pleasure and inordinate ambitions of amassing wealth. Their
wanton indulgence in gluttony, wine and women is seen in every action and
definitely this is the foolproof evidence of their demonic genealogy.
15. To rescue humanity from the demonic stranglehold
of idolatry that now predominates worldwide, you are invited to reason along
with us and see that we provide an everlasting cure for sensual lust for food,
wine, sex, wealth and power that are the trademarks of a society heading for
damnation! Are you going to sit on the fence and wait for another failed
experiment in messiahship that was riddled with myopic and ethnocentric bias?
Who knows the Creator well enough to declare that he has ‘a chosen people’? Or,
that he had only one son? We have mere mortals who are virile that have seven
sons from one fertile woman, WHO LIMITED HIM TO ONE? Who was/is the father of
all the other men who had been sent earlier on?
16. We have been fooled for so long that any
divergent thinker, like this writer, is seemed as upsetting the applecart and
so is labelled a heretic or an apostate! Where is the evidence that Moses
actually led the so-called people out of any oppressive regime? The history
books and modern encyclopaedia did not record the enslavement of the Jewish
race except as ‘they were believed as revealed truths’. Then Moses, who was
brought up in an Egyptian royal court went on to introduce the first and most
heinous dichotomy in racism; JEWS and GENTILES! The negative impact of that
first categorisation of humanity gave birth to all the nepotic, apartheid and
racist policies in the entire world. Could a universal saviour utter; "It
is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."
Matt 15:26-27, NKJV. When shall we ever learn?
17. Did Confucius, Zoroaster, Shinto, Buddha, Jesus,
Mohammed or any other prominent religious leader ever preach syncretism? The
answer is an affirmative NO! Only Moses, due to his idiosyncratic depersonalisation
syndromes emanating from years of the enslavement of his kith and kin in Egypt
and his personal refugee status in Midian before he was recalled to lead them
out, inadvertently introduced segregationist concepts encapsulated in the
Mosaic laws of ‘clean and unclean’ injunctions that culminated in ‘the Jew and
the Gentile’ racist policies. Jesus failed to address this succinctly before he
was crucified. As it stands today, there is no evidence that he actually
succeeded in his mission.
18. As far as we are concerned in Kenezianism, it
was disastrous! It was a costly price for every religious leader who failed to
address parochial issues embedded in its tenets and modes of worship! To date,
any failure to resolve ethnic issues in the sermons of current preachers will
have similar repercussions! Did he reconcile the descendants of Esau, Ishmael
and Jacob? No! Did he identify with the Samaritans, Greek or other ‘Gentile’
citizens of his epoch? No! Did he integrate the Roman Rulers of his time with
his ethnic group? No! That is why Arab-Israeli wars will never have an end! There
were many other leaders, religious and/or political, in history that paid for
the same negligence.
19. The concept that he died for everyone is not
only preposterous, irrational and obsolete but also idiosyncratic and
outrageously fanatical, for up till now, present Jews and previous ones never
acknowledged that idea. To-date, the Jewish race is still expecting a Saviour!
It was Saul of Tarsus who marketed the idea, as he was making reparations for murdering
Stephen and many early followers that he had dispatched to impromptu graves!
Later as Emperor Constantine capitulated to the doctrines of Saul of Tarsus in
order to marry a Christian girl he had fallen in love with, the pagan emperor
eventually convened the Council of Nicea for all religious leaders in his
empire and overnight deified Jesus of Nazareth! Historians tell us that he
relied on the sign of the cross; an insignia on all the armours of his soldiers
Paul had suggested, with which he achieved what he believed was his most
successful military campaign. The Evil One had again manipulated humanity into
another FULL SCALE IDOLATRY that is reigning to date! When shall we ever learn!
20. The truth will always surface no matter for how
long it is buried. Let us learn to apportion blame wherever and whenever they
are due. Hero worship never pays any lasting dividends. Idolising a great
leader detracts from total loyalty and the true worship we owe to the Almighty
Father; the Indisputable Immovable Mover, the Great Architect and Omniscient
Creator of the universe and all of us; human beings, plants, animals, animate
microcosms and other inanimate macrocosms. It is time to proclaim the true
Unitarian Godhead! It will erase the concept of “infidels” and “gentiles” that
has been the albatross of factionalism in the religious circles worldwide and
usher in an internationally recognised theology that can unify humanity. This
is the main objective of Kenezianism, a.k.a. Integrational Spiritan Movement,
(ISM). All Trinitarians are idolaters who copied it from the ancient symbols of
the religions of the Far
East and those of Egyptian
mythology! The “Madonna” and “Queen of the Coast” were all borrowed from
previous religions, so also is the recitations of the chaplet that now traverse
a variety of denominations!
21. There is a plethora of ancient and modern major
world religions. In each, there are factions, sects and denominations. It is
syncretism galore! The name of the game is “join our own, ours is the one
prospering for now!” It is a religious market!! It is a mad world!!! Many
nationals all over the globe are smarting under the colonial yoke of Roman
Catholicism or Islamism. The latter invented “Believers & Infidels” and introduced
violence camouflaged as Jihad! The intriguing aspect of this brand of
neo-colonialism is that it brews dogmas and doctrines that propel fanatical
members to kill or be killed in the name of ‘God’. Religious fanaticism or
mysticism is a religio-psychiatric personality disorder that has never been
classified by any DSM and so has never been diagnosed and managed as other
psychopathological conditions that present in health services all over the
22. The Almighty Creator or Ultimate Controller of
the Universe has no name! One can only give names to what one completely owns
and has power over their existence; life or death! In my community, we only use
his divine attributes to address him in speech and supplication. This is how it
ought to be. Those using the term “God” have never spelt it backwards! Do so
now! Do you now realise that the terminology is not only demonic but derogatory
and insane. Stop using it! Human knowledge wears blinkers. At other times, it
wears coloured sun glasses and so we see only the colorinations presented as
truth. Truth does not wear any make-up. Our knowledge of things is definitely
incomplete! It is our ignorance and outright incompetence about the nature of
divine beings and the true nature of independence among finite beings that
generate religious bigotry and world wars!
CREATOR AND WHAT HE DEMANDS OF ALL OF US is similar to the verdicts
of the four blind men who went on an excursion to know what the elephant looked
like. But in our case in religious buffoonery, it is not the personal verdicts
of the first set of the blind men that we hold on to; that unfortunately is the
tragedy of current day Religionists and the breeding ground for puerile
bigotry, fanaticism, doctrines, dogmas, crusades and jihads. It is futile to
not only believe the verdicts of the earliest FOUR BLIND MEN who were actually
wrong but psychotically paranoid to swallow the bastardised versions handed
down by degenerate grandsons of those cowardly and shameless blind men who
never made the trip at all! So many blind religious leaders do not even set out
to make the trip! Rather, they are satisfied by propagating what other blind
men heard from the original four blind men that really touched the elephant. So
it is that a thousand interpretations of what the wise explorers concluded is
now bandied about what the original elephant looked and still looks like. The
Elephant in his majesty refuses to say a word!
24. Why, you may ask! It is unnecessary; for the
glory, majesty and truths about the true worship of Our Almighty Creator abound
in Nature and the Sane Human Beings observe them on a daily and hourly basis
365 days every year! Only the blind do not want to see the Natural and Eternal
Laws he engraved into each macrocosm and microcosm He has made and given to all
His Creations to share. We are equal heirs to His Infinite Love! Every
individual nature is part of the cosmos. To live virtuously means to live in
accord with one's nature, to live according to the natural and eternal laws the
designer of the universe intended by employing truth and right reason in all we
do. Because passion and emotion are considered irrational movements of the
soul, the wise individual seeks to eradicate the passions and consciously
embrace the rational life.
25. “True law is right reason in agreement with
Nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons
to duty by its commands and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions.
. . . There will not be different laws at different countries or
communities, or different laws now and in the future, BUT ONE ETERNAL AND
governing all living things; birth, growth, respiration, movement, nutrition,
excretion, reproduction and finally death hold sway in every place on planet
earth under normal temperature and pressure. Humans have the same anatomy and
physiology despite our differing languages, child-rearing practices, skin
colour, racial differences and social statuses. We are the offspring of the
Almighty Creator of the macrocosms and microcosms we share. Our survival in our
variety of physical environment follows the same laws. No man is an island. We
need each other!
26. Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez also contends that
natural laws are sacrosanct for they were made by the Almighty Architect and
Engineer who created every being on planet; EARTH. They are divine and eternal;
because they are universal and are no respecters of places and times of birth,
parentage, race, educational level or religion! There are so many self-evident
examples; the movement of the sun and moon regulate the hours of day, night,
weeks, months and years; so also do gravity, temperature, pressure, emotion,
motivation, conception, pregnancy, labour and birth regulate family life. If
anyone disagrees, let him provide evidence to the contrary.
27. The founders of HAPPY FAMILY NETWORK,
posit that human slavery, in whatever form it is used to deny any Homo sapiens
and others their fundamental human rights, was/is and will forever remain
illegal! Caste systems must be abrogated both in civil and religious circles
all over the world to arrive at;
which is our creed
TO HUMANITY INTERNATIONALLY; is the lifestyle of all bona-fide members,
TO THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH; in every thought, word or deed is our international
social ethics &
28. If you want to be a foundation member of the
board of directors for this all-inclusive humanitarian FAMILY LIFE COLLEGE send
us a proposal of what you can contribute and attach a brief CV, your contact
addresses and a current passport sized photo of yourself. Once you can pool
your resources and co-ordinate a hundred like-minds who are rational thinkers
in your community either by Face book networking or any other ingenious
methodology, contact us for inauguration. We do not care whether you ‘believe
in God or gods’! The Creator has never had, has and will never have a name by
any language or be labelled by his creatures! Those who use ‘God or god’ have
never spelt it backwards to see its demonic origin! The only qualification you
need is that you are a sane human being who is naturally objective, is ready to
respect the opinions of others and is prepared to disabuse the mind of all
previous indoctrinations that you had been forced to swallow hook, line and
sinker since childhood.
29. How can we be certain that the doctrines and
dogmas we hold on to today were/are not merely fake theories from the past? In
short, how do we sift truth from human beliefs, myths, legends and/or fables
forged and fabricated by sages of old or demagogues whose objectives were
merely manipulating the masses of their generation into reverencing and/or
obeying them sheepishly? This is the task before all of us. It is the only way
to arrive at ONE WORLD RELIGION. That is Integrational Spiritan Movement, led
by the Holy Spirit of the Genuine Creator we all ought to worship, a.k.a
Kenezianism. If you care to join us in a sanitation exercise that will
guarantee a better future for your children, then come, read, observe, witness
and finally analyse the development of religion from time immemorial to
evaluate its subjugation to man-made doctrines, dogmas and modes of worship
that are irreligious! Thereafter, we can seek for solutions as proposed by the
computer-age integrational fellowship; INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT,
abbreviated thus: I S M.
30. For how long shall all nations make annual
pilgrimages to Jerusalem and Medina only to boost the economy of arid lands? These are two
poverty-ridden nations that have resolved to fight internecine fraternal wars
and so refuse to develop their natural resources while hoodwinking the entire
humanity with spurious claims of religiosity? Is the Creator a Jew or an Arab? This
medical scientist, pragmatic researcher and existential therapist, is proposing
that we scrutinise all the religious and ethnocentric prejudices that had
enslaved many children right from birth, who were born into their parents
religio-cultural practices and were never given the freedom to search for
objective methods of relating to their maker and other humans. Can you join us
to make this feasible? -Scribbled
down by Rev. Prof. J. J. KENEZ
*** RESUME***
great sons and daughters of the Almighty Creator have ignored their ONE
CULTURE; obedience to all the natural laws as ONE WORLD RELIGION. That is what
we desperately need today just as we use cellular phones and the Internet
without killing anyone. Respect for and obedience to all
the laws of nature is the key for a peaceful world with beautiful people
living, loving and sharing the Creator's benefits as equal heirs to his
blissful global world that we now share amicably thanks to scientists who have
uncovered his designs for our mutual existence. LET US LIVE IN PEACE! This
is the ‘One Global Religion’ that humanity needs now for ‘One Peaceful Global
Village! Here I rest my case and pen!

E-mail: Website:
Culled from the 2001 Theosophical
Trilogy of Dr J. K. Danmbaezue.
The existential lessons of the story of Genesis,
Chapters 1-10, as we have discussed in THE ANGELIC VERSES, ‘The Hottest Cake’
baked by three Professors are numerous! Here are only ten for this edition:
1. The constituents of cell structures
have been documented by scientists, down to the A, C, G, T, components of the
gene helix, yet no one scientist nor a group can explain how the water,
chemicals, molecules, nutrients and other materials are held together to make
it a living cell that is capable of mitosis or meiosis.
2. Robots have been designed but they are
not alive. They are still under the control of human intelligence and will.
Heart beat, respiration, independent thought and reasoning are completely
absent. Neither cameras nor electron microscopes can compete with the eyes of
an eagle! Nothing invented by man can match the speed of an ostrich!! Nor can
any other contraption compete with the hearing acuity of a bat!!!
3. Cybernetics
and electronic engineering feats abound in every sphere of communication yet
none has been invented to decipher chemical or electrical transmissions as the
nervous system of the human body, nerves, axons, etc and none can associate
words, music, laughter, sorrow, joy, or weeping as in the human body.
4. Where the Creator takes the gold medal
is the process of reproduction in everything He created. In-vitro fertilization
and cloning are copycats and imitations of the Creator’s original viviparous,
asexual and sexual modalities of ingenious reproductive activities. They are
still based on nature to give commensurable results. No one has explained how
two liquids – the sperm and the ovum – can produce a human skull – one of the
hardest objects in the world. Its mere formation; its joints and its durability
are great wonders to all engineers and architects.
5. We, humans, must humble ourselves and
worship this All-Creative Power, for even the water we drink, the air we
breathe and the common salt on our dinner tables. Sodium is poisonous on its
own. Chlorine is a poisonous gas by itself. Yet only the Creator could initiate
the formula that combined them to give us our essential table salt. We may have
found the formula the Creator used to create salt, but we are only unravelling
a miraculous parcel packaged at the creation story in Genesis.
6. Hydrogen and oxygen independently are very
combustible gases. So how did the Almighty Chemist moderate their bonding
together to give us water, with which either of them can be put off in a
conflagration! Humans think!! Humans become wise! We, human beings must learn
to be humble and worship this All Creative, All Innovative and All Caring
7 We owe our concept of time to the
creation story. Our clocks and chronometers are all set from the movement of
the sun. Our yearly calendars or seasonal changes and their nomenclatures were
also decided and are all dependent on that first decision of the Almighty to
have daylight and evening the first day! Later, after the great flood the same
Almighty Creator added seasons.
8. Medical scientists now know that
anaesthesia and surgery are not human contraptions but divine inventions.
Engineers, Sculptors, Architects, Mathematicians, Astronomers and Geographers –
all envy the work of the Almighty Creator and to date only copy his designs.
For, even they themselves were/are his creations, and even their skills,
talents and expertise are evaluated by comparing their output with nature’s
9. No one dead or alive can create a
single ant. Not that someone has not attempted to, but that there is no way to
even form a molecule nor a cell membrane without depending on nature! Again, no
one can explain what really happens when one is dreaming. No one can calculate
the speed of thought, the expansiveness and all consuming nature of air,
daylight and darkness.
10. We are miniature Creators, made in the
image of this Almighty Creator, and in his likeness, yet we cannot live without
his oxygen. We owe Him, or Her or It, everlasting filial love and obedience, --
as heirs of His Royal Kingdom now and always. Let’s
love nature, obey its laws and accommodate each person we meet in our short
span of earthly existence. That is the only way to show Him our appreciation.
Let’s thank Him for our lives!!!
We must avoid
anything; Any thoughts, Any words,
Or any actions that
suggest disobedience to all natural laws in creation!
Find them and obey
them: then and only then can we all live amicably in this beautiful world
filled with beautiful people!!!
If you love a non-partisan fellowship of intellectuals,
this is it! The whole human race is being invited to review their myopic
perceptions of religion and remove the binoculars of differing colours that have
prevented them from seeing objectively for centuries. We need ONE WORLD
RELIGION. This is the last bus stop!

Yours ever, Professors Jude, Jideofo &
Kenez. Ó 2001- 2011
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